UltiCal - All-in-One Calculator and ConverterUltiCal is your ultimate tool for performing a wide range of calculations and conversions, all conveniently packed into a single app. With three essential screens, including Calculator, Currency Conversion, and Unit Conversion, UltiCal simplifies your daily tasks and ensures accurate results.The app needs access to your devices local storage to store the calculation history. The history data is only stored in the users device and not shared with any third party services.🔵 Calculator Screen:Perform basic arithmetic and scientific calculations with ease. UltiCal supports trigonometric functions, making it suitable for both simple and complex operations. The app also features a "History" feature, which stores all your previous calculations securely in your local storage.🔵 Currency Conversion Screen:Stay updated with the latest exchange rates and effortlessly convert between different currencies. UltiCal uses a free API to provide reliable and precise currency conversion, making it perfect for travelers and international transactions.🔵 Unit Conversion Screen:Convert units effortlessly across four categories: Unit, Weight, Volume, and Temperature. Say goodbye to manual calculations as UltiCal streamlines the conversion process for you. Just input the value and unit, and get instant results.Welcome to the convenience of UltiCal, where calculations and conversions are made simple. Our user-friendly interface ensures a seamless experience for all users.Permissions:UltiCal requires access to your local storage to save your calculation history securely.We, at RhobustDev, are dedicated to providing an exceptional user experience with UltiCal. We value your feedback and continually work to improve the apps functionality and features. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we strive to meet all your calculation and conversion needs.